

Van of Urantia

A.A.S., College of Allegheny County and Theology studies, Duquesne University
"If you really want to change the world into a planet of peace, you must first change yourself into a person of peace."
— Van of Urantia


Van of Urantia is one of the most unique and distinct spiritual leaders and authors of our time. His work provides wisdom, cosmic absolutes, and answers to the questions of the seeking soul.

He is the co-founder of Global Community Communications Alliance, a multifaceted global change nonprofit, comprised of approximately 120 change agents from five continents. Van of Urantia also co-founded The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion on the campus of Avalon EcoVillage in Rio Rico, Arizona.

His lifelong devotion to God and service to humankind has led him through many levels of spiritual growth resulting in his founding innovative and highly successful programs for helping others to ascend spiritually so they can heal and prosper as ascending souls of God.

Van of Urantia has been very active for the last 30 years in trying to get governmental legislation against Internet misrepresentation and degradation of character stopped. He appreciates your prayers to help activists all over the world against this kind of character assassination.

View Van's Resume Official Author & Musician Website Official Activist Website Official Spiritual Leader Website

Niánn Emerson Chase

B.A. & Graduate studies, Arizona State University
"We can't have leaders who are operating from the same foundation that has brought the world to its current, serious state."
— Niánn Emerson Chase


Niánn Emerson Chase is a globally-recognized spiritual leader, educator, activist, and prolific author with many articles on culture, society, spirituality, and sustainability.

With Van of Urantia she co-founded Global Community Communications Alliance, a multifaceted global change nonprofit, comprised of approximately 120 change agents from five continents. She is the co-founder and Director of The University of Ascension Science and The Physics of Rebellion located on the campus of Avalon EcoVillage in Rio Rico, Arizona. She is also a counselor and the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the University.

Her spiritual-based philosophies and peace-motivated efforts have positively impacted countless individuals worldwide. Her personal ideals and pursuits are to fuse revelatory spiritual teachings with the philosophical and spiritual truths from all cultures and religions by bringing them into the classroom and into mainstream consciousness.

Niánn Emerson Chase shares her visions and teachings to reveal a universal outlook toward a future of world peace and harmony as one planetary family.

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